Phantom high-speed is now at every professional filmmaker's fingertips with the Miro M-series. The flagship of the Miro lineup is the Phantom Miro LC320S, which offers an entry into high-speed imaging with 1500 fps at 1920x1080 resolution and a touch-screen LCD display. Its compact size, smooth workflow and entry-level pricing make the Miro M-series the most accessible high-speed cameras available today.
Max Frame Rate | Resolution Raw Recording |
LCD Screen | Monitor Output | Priced From | |
Miro LC320S | 1,500 | 1080 | Yes | HD SDI | $51,400 |
Miro M320S | 1,500 | 1080 | No | HD SDI | $44,900 |
Miro M120 | 800 | 1080 | No | NTSC/PAL | $35,900 |
Miro M310 | 3,600 | 720 | No | NTSC/PAL | $31,900 |
Miro M110 | 1,500 | 720 | No | NTSC/PAL | $27,400 |
All models are available in a choice of lens mounts (F-, C-, PL or EOS), and include internal capping shutter, immediate playback and CineFlash storage technology. All prices reflect models with 3GB of memory. 6GB and 12GB available with most models at an additional cost.