We’ve been supporting productions since day one. Now, we are taking it even further by working with your team in the field. We provide crews, engineering, production support, and managed services focused on emerging technologies to productions with a strong technical component. We develop expertise internally and continue to train and collaborate with a nationwide roster of skilled freelance talent. We can pair you with the best team for your project.
We specialize in cinematic capture tools and have a deep knowledge of various disciplines around image capture, on-set monitoring, and delivery. Our roster of internal and external crew includes DPs, ACs, camera technicians, video assist, and media managers.
Cultivating the highest level of engineers with cinematic multi-cam, broadcast engineering, and high-end S35, and full format cameras. Our roster of internal and external crew includes tech producers, lead engineers, broadcast engineers, Phantom technicians, and camera technicians.
The benefits of capturing interviews and panel discussions remotely are proven, and we have the technical solutions and personnel to bring your production to the next level. Our crew includes remote camera operators, TriCaster operators, REMI operators, live tech support, and Zoom and OpenReel technicians.
We can be involved with your project from start to finish, taking the weight off your team for vetting crew talent, hiring and onboarding, coordinating logistics, and wrapping the job. Our team of production coordinators and managers can participate in pre-production meetings to serve as liaisons between the crew, your production, the client, or even talent, all at your discretion.
We provide crewing support for production, broadcast, and live stream studios of all types with tech advisers, field technicians, engineers, camera operators, lighting board operators, gaffers, grips, and electricians. Whether we’re training your team on how to use the studio, staffing your studio or crewing it with our own talent, we can tailor our support to your facility’s specific needs.
We provide full- or part-time staffing for most creative and technical production positions. Let our team handle the interviewing, hiring, payroll, and other HR duties for your crew, whether they are located at your facility or remote. We focus on technicians, video engineers, and specialists in emerging technologies, but can provide other skilled creatives as needed.
We've supported everything from small venue standup comedy, music, and Broadway performances to large venue concerts, as well as variety shows, fashion and live corporate events.
Read The Shows Must Go On (Screen) on ASCmag.com for more about how we support multi-cam Broadway performance captures.
We're hiring highly skilled individuals to work exclusively for our clients. View all production and studio jobs.
Individuals with the skills to operate specialized technology: AGITO, Phantom and MōVI.
Our technicians, specialists, and crew roster are available to take care of a variety production and support responsibilities. We offer programs that are customizable to suit any customer’s needs.