Multi-position chargers are an industry-standard, and the Fleet chargers fit the bill here. Even if you have four of the stock Freefly brand chargers, you still have to occupy four Edison style plugs or carry a surge protector or other multi-plug adapter. Or, you might have to spread your chargers and batteries around to have access to enough outlets. While you could use one or two chargers and rotate through the rest of your batteries as they finish charging, if you've ever had to set an alarm to wake yourself up at 2 am to switch your batteries over so everything is charged for the next day’s shoot, you know that option isn’t as good in practice as it may sound at dinner.
With the ability to top-off four MōVI Pro batteries in around 45 minutes, the CoreSWX charger could potentially charge your power packs faster than you can drain them, depending on what you are powering. Best of all, it does this in a package that is less than 3 liters in volume. Speaking from experience, four power bricks, 4 charging clips, and four IEC style power cables take up a lot more room than that. This saves you space on the rental shelf, the travel case, and the camera cart, and that in and of itself has a lot of value. If you own a MōVI Pro, then Core’s Fleet charger is a great upgrade. If you manage a number of these gimbals in a rental environment, then these chargers are a must.
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