The new operation will feature an interactive sales showroom, expanded rental department and HD monitoring room. The address will also be the US headquarters of Panther USA, with the complete line of their film and broadcast products on hand. Come visit us starting Tuesday, February 21, 2006 at our new location!
Abel Cine Tech / LA 801 S. Main St. Burbank, CA 91506
To see this location in Google Maps, click here. Please send all future correspondence to the above address and take a moment to make these changes to your records. (Our phone numbers will remain the same.) Sony CineAlta Reps, Panasonic Production Resellers, Sony Broadcast Resellers, Panasonic Flagship Dealers. Exclusive US Agents for Aaton camera systems, Panther Broadcast, Heden motors and the CamTram System. Aaton, AJA Video, Anton Bauer, Astro Systems, Bartech, Bogen, Canon, Cartoni, Century, Chrosziel, CineBags, Cobalt, DSC Labs, FOR-A, Fujinon, Harrison, Heden, IDX, Kata, Litepanels, Losmandy, O'Connor, PAG, Panasonic, Panther, Pelican, Porta-Brace, Preston, Sachtler, Schneider, Sennheiser, Sony, Tiffen, Transvideo, VF Gadgets