Cooke makes several sets of primes lenses, from the high-speed 5/i set to the industry standard S4/i primes to the affordable Mini S4/i lenses. They are separated by T-stop, but they all share the "Cooke Look".
The Cooke Look is not just a slogan; it is a treasured feature of Cooke lenses for more than a century. What is this Cooke Look that drives cinematographers to covet these optics? To illustrate what makes Cooke lenses special, I shot several tests to try to illustrate four major visual traits of the Cooke Mini S4/i lenses -- resolution, flare, Bokeh and color. Watch the video above to see if the affordable, eight-lens Cooke Mini S4/i prime set are the optics for you.
If you want to learn more about the history and evolution of Cooke lenses, make sure to check out FDTimes' great Cooke History Book.